You want...

  • Help with the process
  • The right housemate
  • Peace of mind

We will...

  • Manage all details
  • Find your ideal match
  • Guarantee your satisfaction

How we can help


Profile Creation

We write the perfect profile listing so you attract the right housemate


Housemate Interviews

We facilitate up to 3 video interviews with you and your prospective housemate.


Conflict Resolution

Maintaining a happy household is easy when you know you can rely on us to support you and your housemate to resolve any issues that may arise.


Personalised Matching

We match you with the right housemate based on your personality, values and lifestyle.


House-share Agreement

We facilitate a video meeting with you and your chosen housemate to outline the details of your agreement.



We conduct monthly or quarterly check-ins, giving you peace of mind.

100% Money Back Guarantee


Peace of mind

With our Concierge Services, you’re not just getting a housemate – you’re gaining peace of mind and a streamlined house-sharing experience. Our Concierge team will guide you through every step, from finding and interviewing potential housemates to drafting and finalising custom agreements. Plus, with ongoing support and regular check-ins, we ensure your living arrangement remains harmonious and stress-free.

Let us handle the complexities, so you can enjoy the benefits of a well-matched, house-sharing arrangement.

How do I get started?

It's simple and straightforward. 

Find a convenient time on our calendar and book your call. That's it!

We'll have a friendly chat to understand your needs and take it from there.

No commitments. 

Just a conversation.

What people are saying...

Jay Garland

CEO - Growth TM

"I've been house-sharing for years and I've never come across anything like The Room Xchange Concierge Services. Having a helping hand to guide you through interviews, agreements and even conflict resolution is invaluable. I commend you for your thoughtful approach especially with house-sharing
on the rise."

Cate Mercer

Editor - The Art of Healing

After using the Housemate Interview Service and now living with my housemate for the last two years, I can personally vouch for the Concierge Services. If you're inviting someone into your home, don't leave it to chance. Their team knows what they're doing and asks the questions you don't think to ask.

Sharon Givoni


"The Room Xchange is addressing all aspects of house-sharing with 'The Complete Homeowners Guide to House-sharing' and their extensive Concierge Services. It's crucial not to 'wing' such an arrangement, as it can lead to complications. By following the proper steps from the beginning, you'll not only gain peace of mind but also ensure that everyone involved is aligned and informed."